Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Content-Specific Technology Integration Project

To address the Core Standard 6 Objective 3, as noted below, I will be designs a titration lab using pH probes, logger-pro, and titration equipment - the technologies available - to help students see how titration curves and concentrations of acid and base relate.
Standard 6: Students will understand the properties that describe solutions in terms of concentration, solutes, solvents, and the behavior of acids and bases.

Objective 3: Differentiate between acids and bases in terms of hydrogen ion concentration.
a. Relate hydrogen ion concentration to pH values and to the terms acidic, basic or neutral.
b. Using an indicator, measure the pH of common household solutions and standard
laboratory solutions, and identify them as acids or bases.
c. Determine the concentration of an acid or a base using a simple acid-base titration.
d. Research and report on the uses of acids and bases in industry, agriculture, medicine, mining, manufacturing, or construction.
e. Evaluate mechanisms by which pollutants modify the pH of various environments (e.g., aquatic, atmospheric, soil).
To do this I will have to be able to manage and use pH probes, logger-pro, and titration equipment, but more than just knowing the technology, but know how to use this technology to help students gain more from their learning experience. In this way I hope to prove that have TPACK.

To accomplish this, my product for this class is going to design a lesson/experiment that students are required to demonstrate their understanding of what happens at the molecular level by using the technologies. This is going to include student instructions, and an assignment to complete.

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