Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Content-Specific Technology Integration Project

This Titration Lab and Sample Lab Report is my final product.
I feel like it is something that the students can use to internalize how acids and bases are apart of their everyday lives, and to probe into students natural curiosity about the things around them. This lab can only be used really the second half of the year because it requires them to stretch themselves and use the knowledge that they have acquired throughout the year. After teaching acid/base titrations, maybe using VCL to expose them to titrations and after doing a titration lab in class would I assign this. I could also see this being an extra credit project for students because it requires them to go beyond themselves to explore their world.

The CONTENT of the nature of acids and bases and the PEDAGOGY of using students natural curiosity to design their own open-ended experiment are complimentary with the TECHNOLOGY of a pH probe helps to obtain a specific and accurate reading of the solutions around the house. I hope I have shown an appropriate integration of technology and pedagogy, as well as that this activity is based on a specific content I am trying to teach. If I have done so, then this assignment shows that I have TPACK.

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